Friday, July 24, 2009

The New Economy fix for Seniors It's better then ever

With this economy today we never know what tomorrow will bring and for a Senior who has spent their life working and saving it is even scarier. Just imagine having o or trying to reenter the work force or trying to return at age 70. If you can find a job at this point with 10% of the the younger people out of work today. The main reason seniors are trying to get jobs is because they have seen their life savings disappear and go right down the drain. But the one thing that most seniors don't realize is that most of the existing wealth is in there homes. That's right the place that they placed most of the their money in is the home, the put money in it every month for 30 years and most don't realize that is was a forced savings plan for the future that earn in most cases over the years a 5% return annually on leveraged money with tax benefits. Wow what a country we live in the Government is now insuring that you get the money out that you paid into your home and you won't have to pay it back until you are gone from the place. To find out more how you can tap this money that you built up in your home visit

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