Thursday, December 17, 2009

Think IQ For Success

"Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy."
~ Norman Vincent Peale

Monday, December 14, 2009

What the FBI Says You Can Do to Protect Your Computer Identity

US-CERT Current Activity

FBI Releases Warning about Scareware

Original release date: December 14, 2009 at 9:04 am Last revised: December 14, 2009 at 9:04 am

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has released a warning to alert users about an ongoing threat involving pop-up security messages that appear on the Internet. These pop-up messages may contain seemingly legitimate antivirus software. Users who click on these pop-up messages to purchase and install the bogus software may become infected with malicious code or to become victims of a phishing attack.

US-CERT encourages users and administrators to do the following to help mitigate the risks:
* Review the FBI Press Release titled Pop-Up Security Warnings Pose
* Install antivirus software, and keep the signature files up to
* Use caution when entering personal and financial information
* Install software applications from only trusted sources. Here is the rest of the story click here
Now You need to protect yourself with Idenity Shield Click Here

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Secrets For Seniors! How to Become Self Employed and Earn Money on the Internet - Senior Expert

The Secrets For Seniors! How to Become Self Employed and Earn Money on the Internet - Senior Expert

The Secrets For Seniors! How to Become Self Employed and Earn Money on the Internet - Senior Expert
By Tim G Robbins

These are not real anyway and they are looking for good opportunities that fit into their retirement lifestyle.

So what are the best ways for seniors to increase or supplement their incomes and still enjoy their retirement years and find the correct program they are attracted to?

First what they need to do is look at what they did when they were in the work force and what will be attractive to their peers. Many of the network marketing companies that are out there have products and service that are what seniors need and want and they will purchase from someone that they can relate to and someone the trust. A senior who steps into internet network marketing with patients and strong work ethics, couple with integrity and compassion will excel to income levels they only dreamed of when they worked full time.

Secret inside facts revealed to seniors they could offer people products that they themselves would need to use and by doing this they are actually paying it forward to people that think alike. Many seniors could use a little extra income and can offer other seniors the same chance to increase their incomes as well. Since the seniors on the internet are the fastest growing segment of the internet and growing at the highest rate since the internet began.

So how do you find such a marketing opportunity where people not only need it but will really be glad that they were able to learn about from a senior like themselves will truly be a major benefit to every senior who get into marketing online. Want to know more on how seniors can earn a great living and be able to pass on their accomplishments in business to their heirs and make a difference in the lives of people across America and in fact the world then get in the no and see what you can do for you and your pears and friends.

Tell your friends that are options available to them even in their golden years and its not being a greeter in a department store for pennies.

Leading Internet and Business man Tim Robbins offers training and experience helping seniors enter the self employed arena while working from home with freedom to enjoy their retirement with legal and ethical network marketing programs each and every person needs to protect their lives and protect their families for pennies a day to find out more visit Tim Robbins website go to You be glad you have the opportunity to work with an expert and a company that has been around for over 35 years. Safe and Secure

Article Source:!-How-to-Become-Self-Employed-and-Earn-Money-on-the-Internet---Senior-Expert&id=3379140

Monday, December 7, 2009

What is Success and How do we achieve it?

Is really a feeling and not a destination or a financial elevation. A true successful person is someone that feels good about where and what they have done in their life. Success is not measured by bank accounts nor even by where other people perceived you are in life. It is not measure by your financial status in the world; it is measured by a person’s own self worth!
Persons Self worth: Is what they see in themselves that makes you feel successful, by what you have contributed to society as a whole? If you are a person who never does anything for anyone but yourself it does not matter if you are wealthy or even healthy you are still poor if you do not help people.
Some people think: Because they make a donation; because they get a tax write off is not really helping anyone but themselves, because if not for the tax benefit then most likely would not have made the donation in the first place.
Wanting Success:
If you are a person who really and truly wants to achieve success what you don’t realize you may already have achieved it just by Paying-It-Forward to just one person! To achieve true success means more the money it about the things you do in life to not only help one’s self it’s about what you do to help other people as well. A wise man once said “No Man is an Island unto Himself” To me this means you can never go it alone or without Pay-It-Forward to other people.

So how do you Achieve Success:
It is a building process that starts with a great foundation; just like when you are building a house or a major high rise building without starting with a good base the building will come crashing down. Your base in life should really be about helping people and it does not mean just financially providing. If you want to get to the top of whatever you want to achieve then help people along the way and you will achieve success. If you step on people on your way to success your success will be short lived or you will find that it is not what you expected!

Share and You will be rewarded: Share yourself with other people and you shall be rewarded more than any investment or growth of income. Remember to truly achieve success in life it is and always be Pay-it-Forward every chance you get and make the world a better place. If each and every person in this world did it just once “IMAGINE” how much better the world would be for you and for me.
If you would like to join my movement that I believe can change lives and help people not only protect what they have achieved in life, but also help people achieve more in life by Paying-It-Forward to other people. This is a service that every person needs simply because there are people out there that believe they become successful by taking from other people without them knowing about it and hurting people is profitable. Take the leap of faith protect yourself first then Pay-It-forward to other people and you will achieve success beyond your wildest dreams. “Doors will open many times when you open a door for someone else”!
Here’s to all the people who believe in Paying-It-Forward in life.
To Your Success
Tim Robbins

Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Secret as Why African Americans excels in Online Network Marketing…… Real Secrets

The secret is in the network and the fact of knowing how to make sure that your neighbor has the same opportunity because you shared. Sharing is the same as paying it forward. Since the beginning of the 19th century when the white man brought the black man to this country as slaves they as people never quit striving to get to the top and be equal with everyone else. This is not to say they were not equal it just had to do with ignorance in the country that spanned for a hundred years or more.
But the real secret lies in the African American community as a whole that no matter what they would never quit. They are exemplify the meaning of the words Don’t Quit because they as American’s never stop striving and never stop clawing and swimming upstream. As people and human being all people should be willing to do whatever it takes no matter what to achieve person success.
Now success is different for every person on the planet, but as I see it for the African American success is more than just money it is and was about being equal under God just as it says in the Pledge of Allegiance One Nation under God is what this country is based on, it just for many years did not mean black and that was wrong plain and simple.
So what is the inside secret that the African American new to become successful in life in this country it was the power of the people, join together and not making one feel different or one ahead of the other. They join together as one moving in the same direction for the same cause, this is no different in network marketing. To be successful in any business whether it is Internet business or Home based or Network market it all about joining together as one and all moving in the same direction to achieve oneness and this is what the African American community has achieve over centuries. As the great Dr. Martin Luther King said will shall all come together as one and when we do this, we will all prosper as a nation.
To achieve success you need to reach inside of yourself and come to the realization that you are not an island and that great success come from sharing and paying it forward to each and every person you meet. Now that does not mean that every person wants to or will be able to grasp what it is that you are trying to share but at least give them the chance no more than every person who reads this article is going to agree with it.
As a white man I know what it takes and the most important thing that I can see it takes being open and forthright and willing to share with everyone and Pay-It-Forward every chance you get and do it without reward. Paying it forward in my opinion is a way of life not a means to financial reward, by helping people help people it will make the world a better place and that will be the reward.
So if you want to really excel in internet marketing or home businesses or for that fact any business or employment remember to always share and pay it forward to every person you come in contact and you will be rewarded beyond your dreams. As the Chinese say Full Circle!
As Albert Einstein said "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."

Friday, November 27, 2009

Indentity Theft is Real and On the Rise

How to Protect Yourself and Your Family

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Retirement Living TV talks Reverse Mortgages

Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank supports Reverse Mortgages

What’s with Seniors Why they are Afraid of a Reverse Mortgage

This is the 24 thousand dollar question? The only mortgage product that carries a 97% satisfaction rate and seniors are still not taking advantage of a program that can change their retirement years for ever.

Q: So Why is it that they still fear it?

A: Well the number one reason that I have found is they still lack the understanding of the safety of the mortgage. They listen to everyone in the media who says it's bad!

Q: So why does the media say it is a bad program?

A: The media always plays their stories to the bad side of everything this is a Fact. Listen or Read a Newspaper or article how many times you really get good news on the front page or as a lead story. Bad News Sells this is the facts. The other issue is in most cases the person who is doing the story is not a senior who is in trouble financially or has seen their life saving disappear.

Q: So what makes this Mortgage have a 97% satisfaction Rate over other programs?

A: Well let's look at the program and what it does for seniors that NO other mortgage or public program can do.

  1. It allows a senior to use their number one asset and convert it into cash or credit line without having to qualify.
  2. Once they have a Reverse Mortgage they never have to make a mortgage payment ever again in life.
  3. They can remain in their home for the rest of their life; No one can ever take the home for failure to make their mortgage payment.
  4. Having money to pay for necessities such as medicines, healthcare, even trips or just going to the movies if they wish. In other words More Freedom
  5. The only requirement that they have to make is what they must do in any mortgage, Pay Taxes, Pay Insurance, live in their home and keep the up keep going.

Q: So how can a senior receive the money?

A: This is the best part the senior can choose to receive the money in a multitude of ways that they can change over time.

  1. Such as first they can take all of the money at once.
  2. They choose to have a monthly income for life and this does mean life until the last person dies or moves out of the home.
  3. They can setup a credit line that keeps growing and never adds to the loan balance until the money is actually used.
  4. They can choose any one of the different ways to control the money it's up to the senior no one can tell them how or what to do with the money.

Q: What does it take to qualify for a Reverse Mortgage?

A: This is the easiest part for any senior! If a senior or couple they must be 62 years or older. They must hold title to the home it does not have to be free and clear but it should have at least 50% equity.

Q: Can the Bank take my Home?

A: No Plain and Simple the bank does not take title to your home you remain the owner at all times.

Q: What about my children or heirs?

A: This is a question that many seniors ask and the easy way to answer this is simple If you needed money and not just five dollars to pay for medical, taxes, or other large expenses would your heirs or children send or be able to send you the money just because you asked? Here is the answer to the 64 Thousand dollar question they are in most cases suffering the same financial issues as you and in some cases even more the economy has not chosen who to hurt it affects everyone in different ways.

Here my question to you the reader!

Q: Where is it written and who said that it is the responsibility of a parent to leave anything to their children or heirs? If you have this answer please post it so everyone can see that this is not nothing but a falsies. The only obligation that seniors have is to you; and to give yourself the life you worked their entire life for and not put a burden on anyone else financially. Now that does not mean they cannot ask or receive help from family for other issues if they take care of their financial lives and keep their heirs from incurring debt when you are gone. The Reverse Mortgage is the only

For more information on how a Reverse Mortgage can help go to the Reverse Mortgage GUIDE


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Helping Seniors Age in Place

By []Marilyn C. Ellis

"Aging In Place" is a senior care industry term for helping elderly remain in their home rather than live with family or go into assisted living. I hate this term. It sounds like leftovers rotting in the refrigerator. Who wants to do that?

We are all living longer than anybody expected. The original Social Security business model expected people to retire at age 65 and be dead by age 72! Not so, now. It is not unusual for people to live well beyond eighty and indeed the population of those 100+ continues to grow. In fact, futurists predict that by the middle of this century, living beyond 100 years will be the norm.

So what exactly needs to be addressed when seniors want to remain in their home? I'm here to tell you that aging in place is more than grab bars in the tub and Meals on Wheels delivery. Remaining at home should not mean monotonous days filled with TV and solitaire and nothing else to look forward to.

Let's discard the term "aging in place" right now. I prefer using the term "Safe, Happy and Engaged In Life at Home". No rotting in the frig allowed. If your beloved senior is rotting at home, its time to make a change or move them somewhere else.

The term, "use it or lose it" is applied here in the very truest sense. In this youth oriented world, seniors are made to feel irrelevant. With most of them non tech savvy, the internet makes them feel left out. The world is scarier now, crowds make them nervous and politics make them crazy. Isolation diminishes their social skills and makes them even more reluctant to re engage in life. So what is the solution?

Families of seniors have to be willing to take a closer look at the lives their elders are really living. If they are slipping in to dementia, is it because they have nothing to do other than watch Jeopardy and play solitaire and nothing to think about or is it for organic reasons? I'm not entirely convinced that all dementia is organic. In my senior move management practice,I have seen many seniors blossom both physically and mentally when they are reconnected with the outside world. So can they be Safe, Happy and Engaged in Life at home? Maybe. It will take more than a visiting nurse and food delivery to accomplish it. Seniors need to BE in the world - participating at a Senior Community Center and taken to their beloved symphonies,lectures or theatre as well as interaction with younger people. A couple of basic classes on the internet wouldn't hurt either! Sending email to their grandchildren would be such fun!

So much of their lost mobility is due to lack of exercise. A colleague of mine commented the other day that if she saw one more group of seniors playing balloon volleyball, she was going to scream. Seniors need physical activity too -from professionals - not just the person who is also in charge of arts and crafts. We have to remember that these little old wrinkled bodies once ran the world, indeed SAVED the world and still have a lot of show us and we owe them more than a life of Jeopardy and Solitaire at home.

If you have a loved one who wants to stay at home, make sure they are not rotting like leftovers in the frig. If you choose to move them to assisted living, stay clear of balloon volleyball!

Marilyn Ellis, Author, Speaker, Professional Organizer, Senior Move Manager and Business Development Coach, loves working with senior clients and their families. She also coaches individuals and companies on how to grow their senior service businesses. For three FREE reports on how to become part of the growing senior care industry, visit her website at

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Visit The Best site for Reverse Mortgage education in New Jersey and Florida click Here

The Greatest Generation Seniors Did Not Do Anything Wrong to End Up in Financial Trouble Today

The Greatest Generation Seniors Did Not Do Anything Wrong to End Up in Financial Trouble Today
By Tim G Robbins

If you are one of the many seniors who followed the plan and put away your money in your company's retirement program over the last twenty-five years on a regular schedule and pick what you thought were sound investments, you thought you would have a nice nest egg to live off the rest of your years. In theory it should have worked out well for you, but the problem is that while you were saving for the rainy day retirement fund the one thing that you never new was brewing throughout the world was what I like to the Big G. So I guess you are wondering what the Big G is well it is something that just got so big that it hate itself.

The Big G is Greed the single biggest factor and in fact in my opinion is the number one reason for the financial mess that the world is in today. The Greed Factor is wide spread it has hot every segment of the economy and each and every hard working person in the country. The one thing that continually going on was that if they can get one then they could ten and then twenty and fifty and so on until the bottom had no choice but to drop out and the ride was over. The ride was good for so many people the biggest problem was that all of the people who trust the money keepers that they could continue on forever and the script was so well written they everybody believe it. It does not matter what investment it was from real estate to stocks, there had to be a hole in the donut somewhere and it had to come to and end sometime.

The seniors put all of their faith in the system and the system let them down in a big way, many have seen all of their hard work go right down the drain and the ones that are responsible for handling the investments had shown no remorse. In fact they turned around and held the country and the world at gun point and forced a bail-out of their mistakes. The problem is that the bailout should have gone to fix the peoples losses and not the ones who made the most profits from the losses.

I read an email a while back and it made more sense then anything I had read that either came out of the government or anywhere else and it went something like this, so think about this real hard. If you take the entire amount of the two stimulus packages which was around 1.5 trillion dollars to date and you took all of the money and took every person in the country who pays taxes and this to me was the key Pays Taxes and you divided the money up equally between each person and sent them a check tax free. The check would equal somewhere in the area of $250,000 tax free this would correct the economy. People who received this check would have been able to pay off or pay large amount of the credit issues off they would be able to purchase goods and services and much more then just giving it to the same people who cause the problem in the first place. Think about this; what could you have done if you were sent a tax free check in the amount of $250,000 do you think that this would change your life financially. Would it not have reduced people bad debt and banks and creditors would have the money that was loaned out back in their pockets in many cases. Even if the person who received it went out and just blew the money it would have been put into the economy one way or another that money would be in circulation today.

They would buying cars, houses, goods and services and even paying off debt, if this would have taken place there would be more capital going around the country and the world and even the people who lost their jobs would have been able to survive or start a business and not be wards of the government. The biggest problem is that this is to simple and not complex enough to keep the average person confused for life. With all of the money that has been loaned or given away to all of the banks and companies has it changes your retirement income for the future in anyway shape or form. The answer to that is no and it will not simply because if you are at the age of 70 when you can receive the most from Social Security you just don't have enough time left in your life to get it all back in your lifetime.

Now the fact is this will never happen the government or anyone else is going to hand you $250,000 tax free and not have to pay it back right! Well that is not completely accurate because there is a program that is complete for seniors who are over the age of 62 and have work hard to keep their homes. These same people are the ones who built this country and they deserve to have a program that will give them back some of the money they given up because of what the greedy investment and company owners have taken away. This exclusive program has over the years receive good and bad press and the real truth is that the people who say negative statements are most likely the same people that took you r money in the first place. The program is the Reverse Mortgage, this program gives the availability to take a portion of the equity you have in your home and use it tax free and you never have to pay it back in your lifetime. In many cases people are able to take care of the mortgage that they currently have and pay if off completely and eliminate payments, which in turn increase their income dramatically.

In other case where people who do not have a mortgage they can have a large sum of money to use anyway the see fit to use it or they can choose to have a month check for the rest of their lives no matter how long they live. They can also have a combination of choices as to how they want to receive the money over years or they can just have if something comes along in the future. Yes there are people that say that the cost of a Reverse Mortgage is very expensive; but the fact is very simple the cost of doing nothing and just stressing your life over things that you cannot control it more expensive then the cost of receiving a lifetime of piece of mind. Not to mention the cost of a Reverse Mortgage is not and upfront cost it is spread out over the life of the loan even though it comes out up front from the total proceeds.

Now here is the simple way to determined how much money will be available to you gross! If you are currently at the age of 65 and you have your home that you owe nothing on take your age and minus 5 years and this would be the estimated gross amount you would receive percentage wise about 60% of your homes value and from that the cost of the loan closing cost and insurance is deducted which on the average is around 10% in the first two years. Remember this; the longer you stay in your home the less it will coast over years, meaning added to the loan balance. Since you are going to be able to stay in your home for the rest of your lives without have to make any payments ever again other then taxes and insurance you will not only have more money but you will have less stress in your life and live longer and have a better quality of life in the year that you should. So think Reverse Mortgage and don't let the negative people sway you from enjoying what you worked so hard to achieve they have already taken away the other parts that you work hard for over your life.

Tim Robbins, Sr. is a senior Reverse Mortgage Specialist. My main goal is to provide the best education resources available and to always place the seniors interest first and foremost. My website is designed to give you all the available information which you can review either in print or video by visiting for all your senior resources to help you enjoy a good life. Also contact me Toll free at 800-610-3599 for a Free Report All About Reverse Mortgages you can call my 24/7 recorded HOT LINE at 1-800-610-3599 Serving all of Florida and New Jersey.

Article Source:

This is important to every senior or children of seniors who are struggling today

visit me on my blog

Obama's Loan Modification Program - Take Action Now to Prevent Losing Your Home to Foreclosure

Obama's Loan Modification Program - Take Action Now to Prevent Losing Your Home to Foreclosure
By Jake Randell

Are you scared of losing your home? Millions of other people are in the same position as you, but you can do something about it.

The new Obama administration has set aside millions of dollars to help people like you secure their home and avoid losing it. Read on to find out more.

Due to the state of the economy increasing numbers of people have been losing their homes. The situation has got so bad the administration has stepped in and helped millions of people to restructure their loans and help to save them from foreclosure.

This loan modification plan helps people to not only keep their homes but to stay up date with their payments so they do not fall behind again and there is no further risk of foreclosure.

The Obama administration is so confident of this program that even private companies are offering help. If people keep losing their homes it will have such a negative effect on the economy the administration has no choice but to help you.

The new loan modification program will make it easier for you to pay your mortgage each month. You will not need to worry any more about how to pay for the electricity or food at the end of the month.

Because the administration has stepped in that is why private companies are now helping as well at no charge. There is no reason to suffer the distress of being foreclosed when you can take action and stop it in minutes before it is too late.

If you want to save your home here is the best place to avoid bank foreclosure this will help you keep your home, just click here.

Article Source:

I think this important article is important to help everyone for more information visit my website at

How to Choose a Loan Modification Attorney
By Bobby Tucker

As negotiating for a mortgage modification can get frustrating, seeking the help of a loan modification lawyer is advisable. Before hiring, ask these questions to the loan modification company/lawyer:

  • How do you know if you can help me with my mortgage modification?

  • Can you give me 3 people that you successfully helped get a mortgage modification?

  • How can I get my mortgage loan modified?

  • How much will a mortgage modification cost me?

  • Can you tell me what to expect with my lender during the mortgage modification process?

Your loan Modification Attorney Should be Knowledgeable, After Speaking With Them You Should Be Able To:

  • Know if the company is knowledgeable in the field of mortgage modifications. Let them talk about their background and other informative notes. Check if they know what they're doing.

  • Know if the company has a successful mortgage modification history. Make sure to follow-up with the people they have worked for. They will tell you what the modification company is all about, their impressions, how they were handled, and the company's procedures.

  • Know if the company is armed with strategies to get your mortgage modified. Mortgage modifications can sometimes be easy depending on your lender. In some cases, the company would only negotiate for payment modification basing on monthly gross income and no principal reductions are involved. However, at some point, the company has to use violations of law in the current loan as leverage which makes it difficult and complicated. Their legal staff will go through your loan contract, acceleration clauses and other documents that bind you with your lender to find any infringement.

  • Normally, modification companies require a fee right away, ranging from zero to $3,000. If successful, the modification success fee is usually 1-2% of your loan amount. Take note that, although knowing how much they will charge you is very important, do not ask this question outright. What matters most is getting your mortgage modified. The charge does not define the capacity to get your mortgage modified successfully.

  • Know their overall experience in mortgage modifications and foreclsoure. A clear discussion of your situation and what they know about your lender or that they have worked with your lender before, should be able to tell you if they have a lot of experience.

In a situation as critical as this, where a mortgage modification is your only option, it is wise to consider these things in deciding to hire a loan modification attorney. You don't want to invest your time and money for nothing.

Get your Free Do It Yourself Loan Modification Kit. Loan Modification Kit includes everything you need to complete a loan modification on your own. It will teach you how to negotiate with your lender and most importantly what NOT to say to your lender. The secret to a successful loan modification is how you present your case to the lender. This DIY loan mod kit will explain the loan modification negotiation process in explicit detail.

Visit our website for How to articles, mortgage calculators, free sample hardship letters, foreclosure timelines, and dozens of informative articles on loan modifications and foreclosure. Stop by to check out our growing library of free financial kits. We currently have bankruptcy kits, credit repair, and loan mod with more on their way!

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This interesting to many people who are struggling today with the economy and their credit

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•PHOTO ID (Drivers License/Passport/Military)
•Copy of Social Security Card
•Copy of Deed to Home
•Last Mortgage Statement
•FHA Counseling Certificate
•Copy of Homeowners Insurance
Last Mortgage Statement
Last Tax Bill
Current Utility Bill

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Simply put a reverse mortgage is a loan that allows age 62 or older person to receive cash from the built- up equity in their home, without paying a monthly payment.

In a traditional mortgage you borrow a sum of money at an interest rate for a certain period of time. Every month you make a payment to the lender to pay back the money you borrowed plus interest. With a reverse mortgage the borrower receives a certain sum of money or stream of payments and all of the borrowed funds, interest and cost are settled at the conclusion of the mortgage.

A Home Equity Conversion Mortgage is a mortgage in reverse.


To qualify for the HECM program there are two areas that are considered.

Borrower; The borrower must meet two critical criteria. All borrowers on title to a property must be at least age 62 and must reside in the property as their principal residence. The borrower’s income and credit score do not factor in as they do in a regular mortgage. A credit report is obtained to insure that the borrower does not owe the federal government any funds, but a troubled credit history or lack of sufficient monthly income are not impediments to enjoy the benefits of a reverse mortgage.

Property: The property may only be a single-family residence, condominium, townhouse, PUD or two to four families home. Some manufactured homes are acceptable but you will have to check with us to see what specific criteria apply. All homes must have a pest inspection completed by a licensed inspector.


The title or ownership of the property remains in the borrowers name as it would in a regular mortgage with a trust deed or mortgage lien ( depending on the laws in each state) on the property. The borrower always maintains title and has complete control over the property.
The lender does not want own your home. The fact, because the lender is paying the borrowers rather than the borrowers paying the lender, the borrower cannot lose the property.


The government requires that the lender may not seek any repayment from your income, other assets or heirs. They are limited to the equity in the property. This makes the HECM loan one of the safest mortgage loans available in America today.


The benefits available to borrowers under the HECM mortgage are based on a highly complex actuarial calculation that can only be calculated by a reverse mortgage lender. There is no loan agent with a hand calculator that can give you a correct number.

The calculation considers the age of the youngest borrower and the lesser of the appraised value or FHA limit of $625,500.00. There is a $625,500.00 limit established by the FHA for each county in every state in the union. It is not a good idea to rely on rumor or “common wisdom” regarding the benefits that are available to the unique situation of each borrower. You are going to need to call a reverse mortgage professional lender to get a number for your specific situation. Addendum to this is that for the current year 2009 the maximum limit has been increased to $625,500 this is not the loan amount it is the maximum value that the funds are determined which expires 12/31/2009


Mutual Mortgage Insurance is charged to every FHA HECM loan in two parts. There is a 2% fee based on the benefit entitlement, which is charged as a closing cost at the start of the loan. There is also a monthly charge of .05% of the loan amount applied each month against the outstanding balance due. This is not a cash charge to the borrower, but an accounting entry added to the outstanding balance.

This FHA mutual insurance was put into place to protect both parties involved in a reverse mortgage.

Borrower: If a lenders fails, or somehow mishandles the administration of a HECM loan the FHA will step in to insure that the borrower receives their benefits. Consider what would happen if the monthly checks stopped and there was no insurance to back it up.

Borrower: In the event the accumulated principle, interest and cost exceed the maximum loan amount (as it is explained in the loan documents), would allow no more monthly benefits to be issued, the FHA will step in an continue those payments and charge the excess to the insurance fund. The borrower may actually receive more benefits that they have to pay back.

Lender: The government felt that since there is a great unknown as to the final outcome of a reverse mortgage as a lender product that no lender would invest in the program if it was not insured or guaranteed by FHA.


The loan benefits can be taken as a lump sum at closing, left in a credit line or taken as a supplemental monthly income. Borrowers may also choose a combination of these three types of payouts to fit their unique situations.
Monthly payments may continue for as long as the borrower lives in the property. These benefits could be called a “Lifetime Check”, or the borrower could select a specific amount, which will continue only for a specific term.

The credit line established at closing can be used as you need the money. Interest is charged only on the money received by the borrower. Any existing mortgages or liens on the property have to be paid off at the closing, which would be satisfied by receiving a lump sum.


CREDIT LINE Growth Account:
The maximum loan amount will grow yearly, using a formula on a 10 year Treasury bond index or a LIBOR (London Interbank Offering Rate) and an additional one half of one percent until it reaches the absolute maximum specified in the mortgage note. This provides new funds that may be obtained, if the borrower has a credit line then there is a potential for borrower increases each year. This is now money available to meet emergency situations!

This new money, just as the old balance in the credit line, does not accumulate interest. There is no charge it is potential borrowing power and an incredible benefit as the cost of living situations increase.


At the time this booklet was written the interest rate on HECM reverse mortgage was better than almost all Savings and Loan institutions in the United States. It is a very favorable loan with a profit margin for the lender far below normal.

There are no “Teaser Rates” or “Start Rates” or “Payment Rates” with a reverse mortgage loan. There is only one honest interest rate, which is disclosed each month in a comprehensive loan statement sent to each borrower, each month.


Set Aside Fees- There is a small monthly fee set aside to service the loan usually $30 or $35. The service would include monthly statements handling of necessary internal paperwork and once a year the lender will contact you to see if the home is still occupied. The fees are drawn form a no interest fund that is set-aside at the loan closing. Each small monthly fee is added to the monthly balance at it is used. No interest is charged on unused set-aside fees.


There are several important differences between the closing costs of a reverse mortgage and a regular mortgage. Because there are no payments being made and a fixed profit margin to the lender there are no “back room” fees paid to the mortgage company. All fees charged are disclosed on the HUD closing Statement. The borrower is charged the costs and they are funded out of the loan amount, the lender has no opportunity to pay some of those fees with “backroom money”

Generally these Fees include:

FHA 2% Insurance Premium
Loan Origination Fee 2% of the first $200,000 1% percent to the limit to a maximum of $6,000.00
Third Party Closing Fees
• Appraisal
• Credit Report
• Title Search and Insurance
• Recording Fees
• Mortgage Taxes
• Surveys
• Pest Inspection

Are closing costs to high? It seems costly but the question to answer is compared top what? If you were to purchase a different home using FHA financing you would find that the fees were the same as reverse mortgage fees. If you compare the fees to “no fee” loans advertised in the media you will find the closing cost higher, but at the end of five years you will find that you paid more with “NO COSTS”

Closing costs need to be part of the consideration process on whether a Reverse Mortgage is right for you if you plan on staying in your home for at least four years. If not, another loan option maybe best for you.


Every senior that applies for a Reverse Mortgage must participate in a mandatory counseling program. There are no exceptions or waivers. The counseling must be an approved program. For the FHA HECM program, the counselor must be FHA approved. There is never a cost to you for the counseling. The counseling can be completed in person or by telephone and usually takes about an hour. These counselors are neutral, they don’t care if you get a HECM loan or not. They only care that you understand the very different terms under which these loans are made. It is a check and balance system designed to make sure that you understand the program.


When the last borrower no longer lives in the property as his or her principal residence, the loan is due. It must be repaid in one lump sum. That sum can come from any lawful source and is repaid after a reasonable period of time to accommodate sale or refinancing.

A HECM reverse mortgage may be repaid in full or partially at any time with no prepayment penalty. If a better program appears and the borrower can receive better benefits, the HECM is just paid by the new program. If the borrower moves, or ceases to live on the property, then the borrower or those in their behalf will have a reasonable amount of time to settle the debt.

Choice of Programs
In choosing the program that best fits your specific needs and goals we can design a program for you from the following

• Monthly Adjustable HECM with interest tied to CMT ( Constant maturity treasury
• Annual Adjustable CMT
• Monthly and Annual tied to the LIBOR
• Fixed Rate programs


For higher value properties money can be taken as a lump sum, line of credit or monthly term payment. These loans tend to be more “sophisticated” programs that fit certain needs. They represent a small percentage of the reverse mortgage market. This program has uncapped loan amounts for high valued properties.

The HECM Real Estate Purchase Program:

The Federal Government on January 1, 2009 rolled out a new portion of the Reverse Mortgage which gives seniors the option to use the Reverse Mortgage as a purchase financing option. It allows them to purchase a home with a minimum down payment and finance the balance including closing cost with a Reverse and make no mortgage payments for the rest of the lives.


As time progresses and different generations become eligible to utilize reverse mortgages it will be seen more as another asset rather than a mortgage. If you have spent your life saving for retirement in mutual fund, IRA or other investment product you may be hesitant to utilize the funds to make retirement easier. The same will be true of your home. For years you have put money into it now; you can enjoy what it has to offer. You are set to begin the process of staying in your home and gaining your financial independence.

After all, you worked hard all of your life. Let the assets you acquired help in making life a bit more enjoyable. The next thing for you to do is to call me and set up a personal interview appointment to go over all of the details and to discover how much money maybe available to you.

I have made this segment of my professional mortgage career my life’s work to help older Americans realize the potential they have to eliminate the possibility of having to move out of their homes, and help to afford a decent way of life and enjoy the fruits of their labor over the remainder of their lives.

In closing; I truly hope that my Free Report has helped you in the basics of the reverse mortgage process. It has been my goal to educate you in all aspects and give you a complete understanding of the programs. I look forward to changing the lives of many seniors over the years. It has given me a great personal reward and fulfillment in knowing that I can make such a difference in so many lives to the people who have made this country what it is through their hard work over the years. I say now it is their time to reap the rewards.

May GOD bless you on your journey in Retirement!

How to Stop foreclosure in our Senior Years

The fact that foreclosure are in massive proportions throughout the United States is a huge problem. The biggest problem is that a large portion of them are seniors over the age of 62.
With seniors it is a big problem, simply because they do not have the time to rebuild themselves over years. They cannot go out and get a new career like someone in their thirties or forties. They are stuck in trying to figure out where they are going to get the money to payoff their mortgage.

But let’s take a look at how we got where we are with seniors have mortgages that in most cases are over valued in the first place.

Take Jim and Mary Sue they are 68 and 72 respectively, in 2004 Jim had health issues he needed a double bypass and also was told he had cancer. They have supplemental health insurance and medicare. Medicare unfortunately is designated as their secondary insurance.
When Jim went into the hospital and had the life saving surgeries they thought their insurance would cover them for the entire bill. But as soon as Jim cam home to recover they started getting bills that their insurance did not cover. The amounts that they received was more then they had in the little savings and certainly more then their small pension and Social Security they were receiving. (So what were they going to do?) All they had was their home, which was paid off.

Since the mortgage industry in 2004 was very liberal and they had great credit they call a mortgage company and applied for a $150,000 mortgage and they were approved. They went to closing and received the money and were able to payoff the bills. (Sound perfect all of the medical bills were paid)
A few months went by and they were paying the mortgage payments out of the money they had set aside after paying the bills. But one day they got a letter in the mail; that told them that the pension they were receiving was in trouble since they had invested in the company that Jim had worked for the 35 years. Jim called the pension fund and they told him that he was loosing over 75% of the monies that he had been receiving.
Now they only had a little over $1,800 per month coming in from all sources. The mortgage interest was now adjusting and the payment was going to go up to $1,500.00 per month. What were they going to do with only $300.00 per month of spendable income?
So now that Jim was on medication totally over $300.00 per month outside of the insurance and Mary was also on medications for around $150.00 per month. The money that they had in the savings was going faster then their electric meter.
Jim and Mary Sue heard a TV commercial talking about Reverse Mortgages, so they called the number and received the information. They thought our home is worth more then the $150,000 with owe, we can get a Reverse Mortgage and that will free up more money.
Here is where the problem really got worse, they Reverse Mortgage specialist came out to the house and went over the program in detail. All the time they were thinking this is our salvation, we will be ok, and this will put another $1,500 per month in our hands. The problem which they were not aware of is that it is now 2006 and values are starting to go down in their town.

The Reverse Mortgage Specialist had done a brief search of value and the home that Jim and Mary Sue had worked their entire life for was not worth only $125,000. As the specialist look at the information he found that the loan officer had, had the house over appraised back in 2004, just to get the loan approved. (Not uncommon for the times) So now we have a real problem, we have a loan of $150,000 and a home only worth $125,000. What can be done to help them in the hour of need! At this point Jim and Mary Sue are three months behind on their mortgage payments and they are receiving foreclosure notices. Jim is having heart palpitations and they are not sleeping at night.

Since they are now in trouble they really though since the loan officer who did the mortgage for them had only given them a loan for about 60% of the value that they could go and get an equity loan, but they were told they did not qualify. (Mortgage Industry had changed over the last two years)

They were now sitting at the table with the Reverse Mortgage Specialist and he was telling them that they did not have enough equity in their home to even get a Reverse Mortgage. This was because the home had been over values back in 2004 and now it was not even worth what the owed. Now here is the good news!

Fortunately; they are now sitting with someone who is an expert in Reverse Mortgages and is dedicated to helping seniors. Not to mention that this person has the experience to work out a problem.
What was the plan that would get them out of their problem?

The specialists plan was to speak with Jim and Mary Sues Mortgage Company and try to work out a bailout. He explained the situation to the bank and also offered them a market analysis from 2004 showing them that they had over valued the home at that time. In addition; he also had a current appraisal completed. In showing the bank that they in fact did not act on good faith back in 2004 that in less they wanted to have to spend a lot of money and time to foreclose on the property, not to mention throwing two Senior Citizens out in the street, they would have to work out a short payoff. The specialist showed the bank what Jim and Mary Sue where trying to do with a Reverse Mortgage.

Since the value of the home had dropped so significantly, the specialist was able to get the bank to except the amount available from the Reverse Mortgage as full payment. Jim and Mary Sue were able to save their home from the Sheriff Action sale.

This is not to say that this is going to happen each and every time, but the fact is having a specialist who understands the situation and markets, can figure out a solutions that is best and work to help provide a solution in many cases.

If a senior is in this type of situation; they need to seek out the right advice they Revere Mortgage is more they a source of additional monies, it can be a home saver.

How Sitting on the Fence about YOUR Financial Future can cost you BIG!

As of Today 11/18/2009 the Reverse Mortgage Rates have hit the bottom they CANNOT go down Any further. If you have been waiting to see what is going to happen it has already happened Reverse Mortgages have a ceiling and a floor on the rates, they have, Hit the Floor! Now there are also some important changes that you will benefit directly from right Now •The amount that is charge from the lenders has been change for the good of the senior. It use to be 2% of the appraised value no matter how much it is worth. • That’s was the charge! Now the charge is 2% of the first $200,000 and then 1% each hundred thousand up to max of $6,000.00 Huge Savings to you! •As of 11/18/2009 the maximum lending amount as also been changed for the Better •Was controlled by the county limits which had lower amounts at a National average of $232,000) NOW $625,500,000 This is two good REASONS to Act NOW! Visit Http://

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Reverse Mortgage Update

Well it looks as if the Fed is going to keep the higher limits on Reverse Mortgages at the current $625,500 at least for now. This is subject to change as many know the FED can change it mind anytime.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The New Economy fix for Seniors It's better then ever

With this economy today we never know what tomorrow will bring and for a Senior who has spent their life working and saving it is even scarier. Just imagine having o or trying to reenter the work force or trying to return at age 70. If you can find a job at this point with 10% of the the younger people out of work today. The main reason seniors are trying to get jobs is because they have seen their life savings disappear and go right down the drain. But the one thing that most seniors don't realize is that most of the existing wealth is in there homes. That's right the place that they placed most of the their money in is the home, the put money in it every month for 30 years and most don't realize that is was a forced savings plan for the future that earn in most cases over the years a 5% return annually on leveraged money with tax benefits. Wow what a country we live in the Government is now insuring that you get the money out that you paid into your home and you won't have to pay it back until you are gone from the place. To find out more how you can tap this money that you built up in your home visit

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Find Florida Housing

To find Florida MLS Listings use to search for your next home.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

New Features New Name

I redesigned this blog it is now a place for seniors and their families to post issues and problems to get answers about everything from finance to home and back again.

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Hello I am a 59 year old marketing professional who holds a degree in real estate and marketing. At this stage of my life I use all of my past talents to background to help people grow and realize their potential in business. - Free Articles Directory

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