Monday, May 31, 2010

5 Tips to Buy Short Sales Homes Today in New Jersey

          How to know what to do when you are considering buying a short sale home!


The most important details is to make sure you do your own research don't take anyones word get the facts

  1. Know your own finances make sure you have an Approval for your mortgage or a letter of proof of funds in writting.
  2. Make sure that you to the research on what homes have sold recently and also what homes are under agreement all must be recent. Markets change weekly so get up to date information.
    Please click here to view the video
  3. Do not go into any purchase agreement based on emotions make your decisions based on facts.  
  4. Once you find Properties always more than one that fit into your list the list is your NEEDS, WANTS and DESIRES this is very important. Make sure you have a few homes that fit into these details.
  5. Remember NEVER EVER show any emotions for any homes this must not be present when you are considering any home. Think like a business person in business nothing is personal it's all business.

When moving forward always make sure that the person that is working for you is in fact working for you. Always have your side and the sellers side this way you can be assured that everything is equal. Banks and Sellers are not your friend you are the person that is going to help them out of a jamb


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Tim Robbins


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