Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Secret as Why African Americans excels in Online Network Marketing…… Real Secrets

The secret is in the network and the fact of knowing how to make sure that your neighbor has the same opportunity because you shared. Sharing is the same as paying it forward. Since the beginning of the 19th century when the white man brought the black man to this country as slaves they as people never quit striving to get to the top and be equal with everyone else. This is not to say they were not equal it just had to do with ignorance in the country that spanned for a hundred years or more.
But the real secret lies in the African American community as a whole that no matter what they would never quit. They are exemplify the meaning of the words Don’t Quit because they as American’s never stop striving and never stop clawing and swimming upstream. As people and human being all people should be willing to do whatever it takes no matter what to achieve person success.
Now success is different for every person on the planet, but as I see it for the African American success is more than just money it is and was about being equal under God just as it says in the Pledge of Allegiance One Nation under God is what this country is based on, it just for many years did not mean black and that was wrong plain and simple.
So what is the inside secret that the African American new to become successful in life in this country it was the power of the people, join together and not making one feel different or one ahead of the other. They join together as one moving in the same direction for the same cause, this is no different in network marketing. To be successful in any business whether it is Internet business or Home based or Network market it all about joining together as one and all moving in the same direction to achieve oneness and this is what the African American community has achieve over centuries. As the great Dr. Martin Luther King said will shall all come together as one and when we do this, we will all prosper as a nation.
To achieve success you need to reach inside of yourself and come to the realization that you are not an island and that great success come from sharing and paying it forward to each and every person you meet. Now that does not mean that every person wants to or will be able to grasp what it is that you are trying to share but at least give them the chance no more than every person who reads this article is going to agree with it.
As a white man I know what it takes and the most important thing that I can see it takes being open and forthright and willing to share with everyone and Pay-It-Forward every chance you get and do it without reward. Paying it forward in my opinion is a way of life not a means to financial reward, by helping people help people it will make the world a better place and that will be the reward.
So if you want to really excel in internet marketing or home businesses or for that fact any business or employment remember to always share and pay it forward to every person you come in contact and you will be rewarded beyond your dreams. As the Chinese say Full Circle!
As Albert Einstein said "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."

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